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- Technical Designer

Stray Kite Studios, Unreal Engine 4/5, 2021 - present

- Designed gameplay, cinematics, systems, and levels for a web-hosted AAA title (unannounced)

- Interfaced between designers and programmers on the implementation of design tool requests

- Feature owner of one of four gameplay modes from idea to final product, including directing the nativization of blueprints to code

- Sound Designer/Implementer

Groove Jones, Unity, 2021

- Created custom sound effects and ambiance for an immersive VR installation game

- Interfaced between design and programming to ensure alignment of vision and technically sound implementation of audio

- Received and processed feedback


- Game Designer

FryFall, Unity, 3 months (2019), 4 Developers

- Designed concept and gameplay of a 2D tablet app

- Organized developers to execute cohesive vision

- Programming, level design, sound design, and leadership roles throughout


- 3D Modeling and Printing Instructor

ID Tech Camps, Autodesk Maya, 3 months (2018)

- Managed and instructed groups of 10+ students aged 9-17

- Instructed in basics of Maya including basic animation and texturing

- Instructed in usage and maintenance of 3D printers

- Technical Design

- Level Design
- Sound Design

- Game Design

- Visual Scripting, C#, Lua, and Java

- Sound integration

- Foley

- Sound mixing and mastering

- Composition

- 3D modeling

- 3D printing


- Unreal Engine 4 & 5

- Unity

- Wwise

- Cycling 74 Max

- Logic Pro X

- Adobe Audition

- Ableton Live 10 Suite

- Photoshop

- Final Cut Pro

- Autodesk Maya

- Bethesda: Fallout 4 Creation Kit

Half-Life 2 Hammer


- Masters of Interactive Technology

- May, 2021

- Southern Methodist University: Guildhall

- Design Specialization


- Bachelor's Degree in Emergent Digital Practices

- May, 2019

- University of Denver

- Japanese Language Minor


- Sewing

- Anime & Manga

- ASL student

- Music Composition

- ...and more!

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